Case Results
$1.7 Mil.

Motor Vehicle Accident

Pregnant mother and child received $1.7 million for injuries from a motor vehicle accident.

$1.2 Mil.

Drunk Driver Collision

Drunk driver forced to sell property for $1.2 million to pay his victims.

$600 K.

Trucking Accident

Woman recovers $600,000 from trucking company for the negligence of its driver.

$193 K.

Uninsured Cases

Insurer paid more than policy limits. Insurer only offered $75,000 before trial. After trial verdict Over the $100,000 insurance policy limit the insurer paid $193,000.

Policy Limit Cases

Insurer paid clients attorney fees and the entire policy limit after Jury awarded more than uninsured motorist policy limit at trial.

Every case is different and results depend on their specific circumstances. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.