You can never be too cautious on the roads nowadays. According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, more than 33,500 people were killed in auto accidents last year. Hundred of thousands more were injured in accidents. With the increase in distractions that are in vehicles, including cell phones and tablet computers, it is no longer enough to drive safely; you need to start driving defensively.
However, not all accidents can be prevented. If you have been injured in an auto accident by a negligent driver, we can help you recover compensation for your medical expenses, the time you need to spend away from work and your pain and suffering. To schedule a consultation with an attorney from the Law Offices of Johnson & Lundgreen, Call Us At 208-376-5256 Today!
1. Minimize Distractions, the official website for distracted driving advises that the three types of distractions are visual, manual and cognitive. To keep yourself and your loved ones safe while you’re driving, don’t take your eyes off the road, keep your hands on the wheel and don’t let anything take your mind off of driving. Driving is a complex task and requires your full attention.
2. Keep An Eye Out For Fast Lane Changes
Few people are rear-ended while they are staying in a single lane and traveling at the speed limit. Collisions most often occur after one driver has made a fast lane change and fails to leave enough room for the person behind them. Keep an eye out for drivers who switch lanes quickly, and be cautious when they pass you.
3. Avoid Distracted Drivers
Similarly, if you see someone talking on a cell phone, texting, putting on makeup or otherwise engaging in distracted driving, let him or her pass you or take an alternative route. It’s only a matter of time before they cause an accident. Do everything that you can to make sure that you don’t suffer for their recklessness.
4. Select The Right Gear For Mountain Driving
If you are driving up to Bogus Basin or McCall this winter, make sure that you are in the right gear when driving downhill. Use a low speed that keeps you relatively close to the speed limit, and then use your brakes for about three seconds at a time to keep your car at the right speed.
5. Maintain A Safe Bubble
The best way to avoid an accident is to give yourself plenty of room to react to a sudden change on the road around you. Leave several car lengths between you and the driver in front of you. Whenever possible, maximize the distance between you and other motorists or bicyclists.
If a distracted or negligent driver injures you, don’t let their mistake leave you with high medical bills. Instead, give us a call. We can help you negotiate with insurance companies to get you the compensation that you deserve. To schedule an appointment, Call Us At 208-376-5256 Today!