Everyone wants to be “safe.” Whenever you do something that is arguably risky, and you pay someone else to do it, whether that is whitewater rafting, horseback riding, or other recreational opportunities, the company helping you do the recreating usually wants you to sign your rights away. I haven’t liked it, but I have signed several of them within the last year or two.
In Idaho, with some exceptions, these liability waiver agreements have been found to be valid. Whether that is good policy or not can be debated, but it is important to feel comfortable with the provider of these services, if you are going to give your rights away before the recreational activity even starts.
Choose your company wisely, because if you are seriously injured with a neck, back or brain injury as a result of a company’s negligence, and you have already given up your right to get damages, your ability to recover might be gone, even if you hire a good lawyer with “rock solid values and ideals.”
Have a safe summer.
Russ Johnson