BOISE and NAMPA, Idaho. With students returning to school, parents should be aware of the risk of playground injuries. According to the Centers for Disease Control, emergency rooms treat approximately 200,000 children every year who suffer personal injuries on playground equipment. About half of playground injuries involve fractures, internal injuries, concussions, dislocations, and amputations. Some of these injuries can affect a child for the rest of his or her life. The CDC estimates that playground injuries cost approximately $1.2 billion each year.
The best way to prevent injuries is to make sure that you are aware of the risks, and that teachers and caretakers promote playground safety. Children, especially young children, should be watched while climbing on playground equipment. Swings cause the greatest number of injuries on home playgrounds. And, in low income neighborhoods, playgrounds were found to have more dangerous hazards.
In order to prevent injuries, parents should always inspect playgrounds where their children will be playing, including playgrounds in schools and after school care facilities. Playgrounds should be free of trash, landing surfaces should be soft and safe, and playground equipment should not be rusted or broken. If your child has been hurt on a playground due to faulty or defective playground equipment or due to poor maintenance, you may be entitled to receive money to pay for injuries and medical care. Visit the Boise and Nampa personal injury lawyers at to learn more today.
According to ABC News, playground injuries have been on the rise. Many injuries occur on swings and monkey bars, though other equipment can be dangerous as well. One of the more deadly injuries children can suffer is a concussion. If a child isn’t treated soon after a concussion, the child can suffer from brain damage, or, in worst case, death. Playgrounds should have material to cushion children’s’ falls. But, the best way, by far, to prevent injuries is to watch children while they are playing.
How can parents prevent injuries? For one, they can speak to caregivers and teachers about how they plan to monitor children. Do they know how to handle concussions? Do they know what the risks and warning signs are? Traumatic brain injury and mild traumatic brain injury can affect a child’s mood, sleep, memory, concentration, and senses for months to years after the injury takes place. More frightening is the fact that some of these injuries are not always diagnosed after they take place.
As kids head back to school and day care this fall, speak to your kids about head safety and teach them to be strong advocates for themselves. Warn kids about dangerous behavior. Finally, if your child is injured, be a strong advocate. Make sure that doctors test for concussion and head injury. Finally, if your child has been hurt, you may want to speak to an accident lawyer in Boise or Nampa, Idaho to learn more about your rights. The Law Office of Johnson & Lundgreen offers compassionate and caring counsel to families who have been affected by personal injury accidents.