Idaho Personal-Injury News
Stories about accidents that cause personal injuries serve a very important purpose: They provide a warning to others, showing the dangers of negligent behavior. Raising awareness to negligent business practices also holds the potential to force businesses to change those practices, saving future customers from suffering similar injuries.
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Bus Driver At Fault For Fatal Car Accident
Last month, Treasure Valley residents were shocked to read about a school bus accident that left one child dead and several in the hospital. Now, according to the Idaho Statesman, the story has grown more complicated with the release of a report written by the Idaho State Police (ISP)...
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Car Accident Involving 46 Vehicles
KTVB News reports that there was a massive, 46-car pileup on I-84. The accident was so destructive that it took cleanup crews more than four hours to reopen the freeway.
The story starts at 9:00 a.m., when police responded to...
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5 Defensive-Driving Tips
You can never be too cautious on the roads nowadays. According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, more than 33,500 people were killed in auto accidents last year. Hundred of thousands more were injured in accidents. With the increase in distractions that are in vehicles, including cell phones and tablet computers, it is no...
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