Deadly Overpass Accident Kills One Person
On Wednesday, January 21, Ohio officials continued to investigate a deadly overpass exit collapse, even as construction work resumed in the area. The overpass collapse closed southbound lanes of Interstate 75, blocking the road with debris. The contractor, Kokosing Construction, managed to clear away the tons of debris by Wednesday, opening I-75 to traffic.
Sledding Carries Strong Personal Injury and Accident Risk
With winter weather in full swing, many young people (and adults) bring out their sleds for a fun day sliding down hills in parks, and sometimes, more dangerously, on city streets. Many people remember the magical moment they first felt the rush of cool air as they zoomed downhill on a sled. Unfortunately, sledding...
Sledding Carries Strong Personal Injury and Accident Risk Continue reading…
Car Accidents: The Human Factor
Researchers writing for the European Journal of Epidemiology surveyed the major human-related factors that lead to car accidents every year. A report to Congress also detailed important human errors that led to car accidents. The hope is that the findings can help researchers, public policy-makers, and engineers make cars and roadways safer in the...
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Many Americans do not Pursue Personal Injury Cases—Why?
We often hear that America is an overly-litigious society, that we’ll sue for any reason. Many states have gone as far as to place caps on personal injury settlements in order to supposedly stem the flood of personal injury lawsuits. Idaho, for instance, has placed a cap on the amount of non-economic damages a...
Many Americans do not Pursue Personal Injury Cases—Why? Continue reading…